Jitian Factory Investigation

Shenzhen Jitian Textile Co. Ltd.

工厂Shenzhen Jitian Textile Co. Ltd.
AddressGongming Town ,Bao’an District, Tianliaoweiyuan Industrial District, Shenzhen City
Contact Number0755-27169800, 27169855
Number of WorkersOver One Thousand

Contract & Hire

A contract is offered to sign upon recruitment though workers cannot obtain a copy. The factory only asks workers to sign the contract without providing any details. After signing the contract, the factory fills out all blank areas. In the past, Jitian offers medical insurance, now the factory does not purchase any insurance to workers. Although there is a clinic on site, when seriously injured workers would still have to ask for days off for further treatments. Jitian does not provide any professional training to new workers; new workers can only depend on their ability of self-learning.

Work Hours

Work ScheduleSchedule under agreementActual Schedule
Lunch12:00PM-1:30PM12:00PM-1:30PM (In some cases factory cancels lunch time and require workers to work continuously)
Afternoon1:30PM-5:30PM1:30PM-6:00PM (The additional 30 minutes is not paid sufficient premium)
Overtime (Mandatory)6:40PM-10:00PM6:40PM-10:00PM or 10:30PM

Wages & Benefits

Jitian pays workers by piece-rate. In the factory, the monthly minimum wage is 750 RMB, thus 4.31 RMB per regular work hour ((750 RMB/ 21.75 Days)/ 8 Hours). Every third Saturday of the month, Jitian distributes the monthly wage partially in cash and direct deposit to each worker’s bank account.

Canteen and Living Conditions

After working in the factory for 20 days, Jitian will deposit 100 RMB into the worker’s ID card enabling workers to dine in the factory canteen. Workers can choose to recharge the card or purchase meal tickets.

MenuService HourEntreesCost (RMB)
-Soy milk,
Lunch11:30AM-12:30PM-Two vegetable Dishes
-Three vegetable Dishes (Only Vegetarian meal available)
Dinner6:00PM-6:30PM-Two vegetable Dishes
-Three vegetable Dishes (Only Vegetarian meal available)
Midnight Snack
(Only Available at convenient store on site)
-Fish (About five inch)

Jitian offers dormitory to workers at no cost. Each building is five stories tall, first floor is a factory canteen, second and third floor are male dormitory, and fourth and fifth floor are female dormitory. Each floor consists of 28 rooms, and each room has the capacity of 10 persons. Inside a room is a restroom, five bunk beds, two fans, and a clothes washing sink with two valves. Since there is no heated water available inside the room, workers would have to travel to the hot water distributor in the hallway to obtain hot water and take a shower in the room. Though there is electricity in the room, Jitian shuts off power supply during work hours.

There are no power plugs available in the room as well; workers who need to use the plugs would need to go to the battery charging room between 8:00AM to 11:00PM to use power. In the hallway on each floor are six trash cans, four hot water distributor available for use after 9:00AM. Moreover, drinking water is only available on the first floor of each dormitory.

Work Conditions

The sanitation at workshops is generally poor even though there are cleaning workers designated to clean each workshop. One can often see used cloth, paper, and rubber waste on the floor. In a workshop producing feather clothes, feather often flies all over the workshop attaching on workers’ hair and clothes causing discomfort and irritation. Though the sign and slogan of 5S is posted inside the factory, the process was not effective.

Worker who is absent to work for one day will be given a fine equivalent to three days of wage. If one is 15 minutes late, then he or she will not be entitle to the 200 RMB full attendance bonus.

Restrooms at workshop are extremely tight in space.

Safety Issues

Workers complain that they often smell the scent of chemical at work which leads to respiratory discomfort. In the past, Jitian provides medical care to workers who were injured when operating sewing machines. As more and more workers were injured due to the same cause, factory announced that it will no longer be financially responsible for workers whose injury is from sewing machines.


Workers who wish to resign need to request a resignation request form from a workshop supervisor one month before actual resignation is taking place. The form will be approved after team leader and supervisor’s signatures, and worker will be permitted to leave with his/her luggage. The worker then is able to receive the wage in full on the third Saturday of the following month. If a worker wants to leave immediately, a fine that is equivalent to a seven day wage will apply.

Other Conditions

  • There was a strike taken place at Jitian.
  • Each year there are 11 national holidays
    • Spring Festival: 3 Days
    • Independence Day: 1 Day
    • New Year’s Day: 1 Day
    • Autumn Festival: 1 Day
    • Duanwu Festival: 1 Day
    • Labor Day: 1 Day
    • Qingming Festival: 1 Day

(In some cases, workers would need to work overtime on Sunday to replace the stipulated off day)

Dear friends,

Once again we need your support. Upon completion of the report, CLW contacted the factory and its clients but failed to receive a response. In order to emphasize our concern for the workers, we humbly ask you to contact the following companies to focus on the problems of its supplier.

As a responsible consumer with an ethical conscience, we believe that your words may impact these companies’ poor labor practice!

Please write to:

Berghaus Limited
12 Colima Avenue
Sunderland Enterprise Park
Tyne & Wear
United Kingdon
Berghaus contact form

Schoffel UK
16 Mill Street
LE15 6EA
Tel: 01572 770990
Fax: 01572 757929
Email: info@schoffel.co.uk

Halti USA
114 Polarity Way, Suite 201
Lake Placid , NY   12946
President Paul Van Slyke: pvanslyke@haltiusa.com
