Suicides Continue at Foxconn: Two Workers in Zhengzhou Die After Jumping Off Buildings


Based on information provided to China Labor Watch (CLW) by workers at the Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou, on April 24 and 27, respectively, two workers at this factory jumped off of buildings to their deaths.

According to workers, on April 24, a 24-year old male worker who began working at the factrory on April 22 jumped off of the Yukang dormitory building. From April 25 to 27, the worker’s family members set up a banner in front of Foxconn’s factory gate in protest of the young man’s death, attracting a crowd of workers.

After 6:00 pm on April 27, a 23-year old female worker jumped off of the 12th floor of Fuxin Apartment Building Number Nine. Workers said that she could not be saved by medical respondents, but CLW has not yet confirmed the information with the hospital.

Zhengzhou Foxconn is currently producing Apple’s iPhone 5 and is preparing to manufacture Apple’s new products.

UPDATE (April 29, 2013): Wangyi Finance released a follow-up report today that confirms CLW’s information. The report also provided even greater detail on the incidents. According to the report, as late as the night of April 27, Foxconn had not sent anyone to talk with the family of the deceased. Below are photos published by Wangyi Finance related to the jumpings.


The 23-year old female worker who jumped to her death.

The parents of the first deceased worker tied a banner
near the Foxconn gate that reads:
“Foxconn doesn’t care when its employees jump off
of buildings. Heaven won’t forgive this!!!”
