newsletter Special issue: Human Trafficking in Cambodia

China Labor Watch News

Opinion: The Aftermath of the Belt and Road Initiative: Human Trafficking in Cambodia|一带一路的后遗症:柬埔寨的人口贩卖问题

Recently, reports of the trafficking of citizens from Taiwan, Malaysia, China, and other south-east Asian countries into scam operations in Cambodia have arisen. Reportedly, many were recruited by individuals and labor brokers with false promises, only to arrive in Cambodia and find out that they are in deep trouble. Thousands are trapped in these Chinese-run scamming compounds in Cambodia, mostly in the city of Sihanoukville, which saw massive Chinese investments in the past couple of years, and was turned into a casino metropolis. Human trafficking and slavery run rampant there.

GoFundMe Campaign: Amazon’s Whistleblower sentenced to two years

Amazon’s Whistleblower for labor abuse sentenced to two years, he now faces hardship making a living. Please share this gofundme link, any help is much appreciated! 揭露亚马逊代工工厂劳工剥削的吹哨人被判刑两年,现面临多重生活上的困难。请分享这个筹款!

Media reports

August 11, 2022
Meet Cambodia’s cyber slaves
“Once a financial securities analyst in China, Lu Xiangri never imagined he might be a victim of trafficking and enslavement by Chinese cyber-scam operations in Cambodia.” Report reveals the horrifying abuses happened in Chinese-own scam compounds in Cambodia, where victims experienced violence, psychological and sexual abuses, and physical confinement.
“曾经是中国的一名金融证券分析师,卢祥日从未想过他可能会成为中国在柬埔寨的网络诈骗行动的贩运和奴役的受害者。” 报告揭示了发生在柬埔寨中国人拥有的诈骗场所的可怕虐待行为,受害者在那里经历了暴力、心理和性虐待以及身体禁锢。
Forced to Scam: Cambodia’s Cyber Slaves
The documentary discloses details of Chinese cyber-slave syndicates operating in Cambodia and exposes how the powerful and politically connected are guarding these trades.
Al Jazeera

Aug. 13, 2022

From Industrial-Scale Scam Centers, Trafficking Victims Are Being Forced to Steal Billions

“Thousands of imprisoned and abused workers are propping up Southeast Asia’s ‘pig butchering’ industry, an online fraud emptying bank accounts across the world.”

Aug. 16, 2022
Taiwan Frets for ‘Thousands’ Trafficked Into Cambodia
“Taiwan joins the chorus of regional countries expressing concerns about human trafficking in Cambodia, where reports are rife of enslavement, beatings, torture, and being resold.” 该报道讲述了年轻和受过高等教育的人如何被贩卖到柬埔寨而后被迫从事网络诈骗,这些年轻人不仅来自台湾,还来自中国,印尼,越南,泰国以及巴基斯坦。
The Diplomat

July 10, 2022
Over 60 M’sian victims of job scam still stuck in Cambodia, says envoy
“BANGKOK: The Malaysian embassy in Cambodia has rescued 46 Malaysians who were said to have been duped into taking up “lucrative job offers overseas”, according to its ambassador Eldeen Husaini Mohd Hashim.”
“曼谷讯: 据马来西亚驻柬埔寨大使馆大使Eldeen Husaini Mohd Hashim称,该大使馆已经解救了46名马来西亚人,据说他们被骗于从事 “海外有利可图的工作机会”。
FMT News

August 18, 2022

Cambodian scams and Taiwan: Young people caught up in human traffickers amid ‘Belt and Road’ and ‘New Southbound Policy’|柬埔寨诈骗与台湾:在“一带一路”与“新南向政策”牵扯中,青年被卷入人贩子泥潭

“The international community focuses on the fierce confrontation between China and the United States over the Taiwan issue and the military tension in the Taiwan Strait. Young people on Taiwan Island have been lured to Cambodia to engage in telecommunications fraud activities, and have even been imprisoned and abused, or kidnapped and sold them. , and there was much discussion.”
BBC News

August 17, 2022

一帶一路把柬埔寨「西港」變成犯罪天堂 這些中國商人是幕後黑手

Multiple victims spoke to the media to expose the horrifying traps disguised as high-paying job openings. Sihanoukville is a port city in Cambodia where most of the companies are Chinese-run. Many of these “companies” are owned by individuals who have been involved in bribery, gambling, and fraud scandals. They only get a free pass in illegal activities due to their close contact with high-profile Cambodian politicians and tycoons.

August 9, 2022
台灣黑幫、柬國詐騙集團:跨國博弈餘燼下新生的人口販運鏈[Taiwanese Mafia, Cambodian Scam Compounds: The New Human Trafficking Problem in the Wake of Transnational Tension]
“Over the past few years, a thriving online gambling industry has driven economic development in the Philippines, Myanmar, and Cambodia. However, this industry has been shrinking in Asian countries due to policy changes led by China. Surprisingly, the ashes of the gaming industry have kindled the rise of a scam industry that not only defrauds people of their feelings and money, but also sells them as trade goods, forming a human trafficking chain that spans Taiwan, Cambodia and Myanmar.”
报道者|The Reporter

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