
*基于该简文所改写的社论文章已发表于 《外交官》。.


正如我们在以前的调查中所发现的,许多受雇于海外中国公司的中国工人的 工作条件有辱人格。.


这种全局控制一个典型的例子是被称为 "党建工作 "的治理活动,或者是定期或不定期的 "学习 "中共政策文件、历史或工作政策的会议、研讨会或演出。从某种意义上说,它们是中共在中国企业中可追溯活动的直接体现。用中国问题研究专家丹尼尔-科斯(Daniel Koss)的话来说,企业建工似乎是一种 "在商业前沿 "的权威宣示形式。


中国的 国有企业(SOE) 是由中国政府机构出资和/或监管的地方或国有资本支持的实体。 中央国有企业 是由中国政府中央机关直接监管的一类国有企业,主要由国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(国资委)监管。由国资委监管的中央国有企业共有 98 家。除此以外,一些金融类央企(如国家开发银行)、文化类央企(如中国广播网)和行政类央企(如中国邮政)也在其他政府机构的监管之下"。[1]




党建工作(PBW)是指定期或不定期举行会议、研讨会或演出,"学习 "中国共产党的政策文件、历史或工作方针,因为它们是中国共产党在中国企业中可追溯活动的直接表现。值得注意的是,这只是中国国家资本主义的一个特征。正如本文将简要介绍的那样,国有企业的企业管理结构往往更多地是以政治纪律而非经济利益为中心。这是因为:(1) 国有企业的决策权掌握在党委会的少数人手中,这是一种与企业管理层级平行的管理制度。[2] 因此,中央国有企业的决策往往受政策目标的指导。



通过查阅企业新闻稿、政府文件、法规和指导方针以及二手资料,中国劳工观察发现在海外运营的国有企业中存在党建活动,尤其是在 "一带一路 "倡议项目中。这些海外党建活动的中心是:(I)中国共产党对海外个人和公司的意识形态和制度治理;(II)改善中国形象,扩大中国在文化、政治和其他方面的影响力。要解释这一点,我们必须讨论此类活动发生的大背景。




作为中国共产党的基本组织单位,[3] 党支部必须建立在有三名或三名以上党员的机构[4] 中建立[5] 在这一基本单位之下是党的工作单位(党小组)。当一个机构中的党员人数超过 50 人但不足 100 人时,可成立党总支部。高于这一级别的是中共基层委员会(基层党委),当某一机构中的党员人数超过 100 人时即可成立。这些基层党委的职能是开展党建工作,巩固中共在基层的统治。值得一提的是,中国外交使团似乎在中国的海外党建工作中发挥着监督作用,中国外交官对各公司的访问通常被视为一种党建工作[6],[7]


这是近年来党建工作激增的结果。尽管党建工作是中共官僚机构的主要工作,但在习近平主席上台后,党建工作的范围急剧扩大。[8] 事实上,早在 2012 年习近平主席上台后,加强党的建设及治理工作的相关法规就开始陆续被起草。[9], [10] 习近平指出,要加强党的建设,[11] 党的执政要实现 "全覆盖"[12] 也就是收,要让中国共产党的组织网络全面覆盖科研和教育机构、民间社会和企业实体。自此,党的组织遍布国有企业之外的各类实体,而党建工作也有了更多的实际意义,反映了企业决策者履行政治责任、政治表现以及对中共核心干部的忠诚度。事实上,2015 年发布的一项党建政策规定,国有企业必须按照既定模板开展党建工作,[13] 党建工作已成为中国国有企业纪律工作的一部分。[14] 而自2018 年的一项法规规定,任何有三名或三名以上中共党员的单位都必须建立党支部,鉴于中国有数千万中共党员,[15] 党建工作具有遍布全球大多数中资企业的实际潜力。 




如今,所有中央国有企业都与中共官员紧密联系在一起,而这些官员很可能在行使中国的国家利益。[16] 2017 年发布的政策实施指南规定,国有企业必须将 党建工作纳入企业组织文件。[17] 2021 年新华社的一篇文章报道称,在报道时,所有中央国有企业、90% 以上的省级国有企业和 80%以上的市级国有企业都有党委成员担任董事会和其他高级职务。在海外,根据官方数据,截至2018年,中央国有企业承担的金砖国家项目估计有3116个。[18], [19] 也就是说,相当数量的中国国有企业和中央国有企业--有明确政策压力的实体--投资海外项实施党建工作,并将该工作架构纳入公司组织文件。




















在 100 家中央国有企业中,[20] 我们发现共有 61 家企业在国外参与了党建工作。然而,这绝不是一份详尽无遗的海外党建清单,因为这份名单是根据公开信息编制的。事实上,对于党员身份、党内职务、党内机构、党内活动和党内信息,似乎有一个不公开的原则。这一原则在各种著作中都有提及。


在这 100 家公司中,我们发现了 206 条有关实业工程的记录,分布在 69 个国家。







除了企业结构和决策之外,定期会议、演讲研讨会和文化活动等日常活动也是为了支持这一以中国共产党为中心的管理目标。[21] 这类活动的一些显著例子包括学习习近平思想的研讨会、对党忠诚的研讨会、观看 "红色 "纪录片(即观看对中国政府唱赞歌的纪录片)等。除了将海外中国公司的企业理想与中国的战略目标(经济或其他目标)统一起来,这些活动还被认为在教育海外中国公民、确保海外中国人在意识形态上与中央政府的原则保持一致(反 "西方荼毒灌输")方面发挥着重要作用。[22] 一些人称,一些党建手机应用程序具有追踪海外个人位置和其他信息的功能。


第二类是以创造和管理积极的企业形象为中心的公共预算和党建活动,这种形象往往与 "中国形象 "联系在一起。在这种情况下,中国企业的海外项目承包、对外援助和其他宣传活动被视为有助于实现树立良好中国形象、扩大中国文化影响力或中国在全球舞台上的 "软实力 "这一总体目标。[23], [24]



总而言之,中国公司与政府的关系,特别是中共分支机构和党员在管理结构中的存在,模糊了私营企业与国家利益之间的界限。这种融合突破了国界,中国政府对在海外运营的公司实施控制,也因此实体内部发生的任何侵犯劳工权利的行为有连带的管理义务。 这样一来 中国政府对这些实体侵犯劳工权益的行为负有无可辩驳的责任 ,CLW 在之前的报道中对此进行了 详细阐述。.

此外,在海外建立中共党支部和私营企业党支部也会引起人们对中国挑战国际准则的担忧,因为这些活动构成了中国在互不干涉的全球秩序的一种挑战。从更深层次来看,关于在中资企业中设立党支部是否是中国全球情报网络的一部分、是否试图影响外国政府、是否挑战民主秩序等问题,根据公开信息,CLW 无法给出明确答案。虽然这些活动在多大程度上与中国更广泛的地缘政治战略保持一致尚不清楚,但它们对国际政治的潜在影响不容忽视。



Note: Because the vast majority of documents reviewed were in Mandarin Chinese, we translated two articles to showcase some writings about PBW. Document 1 was a press release by China State Construction Bridge Corp, a large Chinese SOE, concerning the Chinese ambassador in Brunei, Yu Hong’s speech directing the implementation of PBW. Document 2 was released by China First Metallurgical Group, a subsidiary of a central SOE, China Minerals Corporation, concerning the company’s overseas PBW operation.


Document 1: China State Construction Bridge Corp. Brunei Temburong Bridge Project Party branch Attends Chinese Embassy Party Building Symposium


Website URL: https://6bur.cscec.com/xwzx2/gskx2/201904/2920725.html


Date published: Mar. 28, 2019  

On March 26, the Chinese Embassy in Brunei organized a seminar on the Party building work of Chinese enterprises at the Ambassador’s residence, and the Party branch of the Temburong Bridge project in Brunei participated in the meeting and made an exchange speech.


Yu Hong, the Chinese Ambassador in Brunei, listened to the report on the Party building work of the five Chinese enterprises, and the Party branch of the Brunei Temburong Bridge Project reported on the construction of the branch, the status of Party members’ learning, and the status of Party building activities, focusing on introducing the “family culture” characteristic of Party building, brand creating system. Yu Hong affirmed the positive exploration made by the Party branch of the Brunei Temburong Bridge project contributing to overseas Party building, and asked the project to continue the good work in leading the staff’s thoughts and fully implement the role of the branch and of Party members, and ensure the timely completion of the bridge construction and the end of the year.


Yu Hong pointed out that all business activities of all Chinese enterprises in Brunei should be centered around serving the national strategy and diplomatic plans, and all units must raise their political stance, follow the national strategic directions, obey the embassy’s command, conduct business in compliance, and continuously consolidate and expand on the achievements of President Xi’s visit to Brunei. She put forth three requirements for Chinese enterprises to carry out Party building work in Brunei: First, they should strictly follow the principle of “five non-disclosure”, that is, the identity of party members, party positions, party organizations, party activities, and party information are not to be disclosed to the public, Party activities must be carried out in absolute secrecy, and the disclosure of the Communist Party of China’s activities in Brunei is not permissible. Second, projects should strictly follow the principle of “differentiation between inside and outside, security, and confidentiality” principle, refrain from copying the domestic practices, refrain from making the same step, refrain from adopting a broad-brush approach, and regarding the higher Party organs within China who are not familiar with the conditions in Brunei, explanation and communications work should be carried out well; Third, there is a unique quality to overseas Party building work, but it cannot be treated as special. Although it is difficult to carry out Party building work in Brunei, Party leadership cannot be weakened but only be strengthened. Of special importance is to strengthen the education, supervision, and management of overseas Party members, to prevent the ideological impact of various trends and political and religious forces on Party members, and to strictly prohibit the disclosure of state secrets and party secrets.

More than 20 heads of Party organizations from Chinese enterprises in Brunei attended the meeting.

(Text/Photography Zhao Jisheng)


Document 2: Characteristics and Ideas of Party Building for State-owned Construction Enterprises in Their Overseas Projects

Website URL:http://finance.sina.com.cn/leadership/mroll/20130717/113016151721.shtml


Date published: 11:30 a.m. on July 17, 2013 Corporate Culture


Article/ Party Committee in China First Metallurgical Group Co., Ltd.


A subsidiary of China Metallurgical Group Corporation, China First Metallurgical Group (abbreviated as China First Metallurgical) is a large state-owned high-tech enterprise carrying businesses including general contracting, real estate development, and equipment manufacturing. It is one of the earliest Chinese central SOEs to have gone abroad and opened up the overseas markets. The company has since contracted projects in Iraq, Germany, Brazil, Libya, Zimbabwe and dozens of other countries and regions. The company has undertaken a number of international construction projects, such as Indonesia’s Niger spherical tank, Vietnam’s Taiyuan steel plant renovation, Germany’s blast furnace dismantling project, Pakistan’s housing construction project, and Saudi Arabia’s oil pipeline. The Moha Kali overpass in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which is known as “the bridge of friendship between the people of China and Bangladesh”, and the 2.2 million tons of steel system project in India and the housing construction project in Kuwait, are the larger construction projects undertaken by Chinese companies in the Indian metallurgical market and the Middle East.


In the process of developing the overseas market, China First Metallurgical Party Committee actively explores ways to apply the party building work in overseas productions and operations; constructing a platform for party members to play their roles. How do we transform the political advantages of the (CCP) Party organization into the core competitiveness of overseas market operation and promote further expansions to the overseas market? How do we respect cultural differences, implement cultural integration, create a relaxed environment for friendly co-working, and continuously enhance the adaptability, centripetal force, cohesion, and combat power of the enterprise? How to respect cultural differences, implement cultural integration, create a friendly and relaxed environment, and continuously enhance the adaptability, centripetal force, cohesion, and competitiveness of the enterprise? Practice has proven that these explorations have played an important role in promoting the smooth implementation of China First Metallurgical’s overseas projects and in building a brand in MCC’s international construction market.


The primary modes of operation for Party building work


The primary modes of China First Metallurgical’s Party building work in overseas projects have the following five characteristics:


The “full coverage model” on organization setting. That is, wherever there is a project, there is a Party structure. In the hierarchical setting of party organization, China First Metallurgical establishes a full Party chain structure consisting of Party committee – temporary Party committee – general Party branch – Party branch – Party group. The temporary Party committee is set up in large projects, the general Party branch or Party branch is set up in small projects, and in relatively independent units such as work facilities, workshops, and construction teams under the jurisdiction of the project departments, Party branches are set up as long as the number of Party members exceeds 3. In projects with less than 3 Party members, we implement a horizontal method of consolidation, and create joint Party branches with projects nearby.


A functional positioning of the “participation – guarantee” model. That is, the grassroot Party organizations must participate in the Project Department’s decision-making on major issues, appointment and removal of important personnel, decision-making on major projects and investment, and use of large amounts of funds, activities in full, and make every effort to ensure the promotion of the production and operation process of the project department in full, and ensure the progression of the project’s production and operations. Focus on “one core” and “one focus”: “one core”, that is, to play the role of the political core,and promote project production and operation. This is reflected, first, in the decision-making process of major issues, the focus of playing the role of the political core on the political responsibility of “gate-keeping and steering the direction”; second is in the implementation of major decisions, the focus of playing the role of the political core on the political responsibility to promote solidarity of personnels; third is in the supervision of major issues, the focus of playing the role of the political core on the supervision of major issues. The focus of the core role is on the political responsibility to supervise the use of power in the corporation. “One focus”, that is, with the Party’s control of cadres as the focus, to strengthen the cadre, especially the leading team construction. First issue is to establish the right employment selection; the second is to construct a scientific employment system; the third is to implement a democratic way of selection and employment.


In terms of the general direction for work, follow the “concept-action choice” model. That is, to grasp the core concepts of Party building work, design and implement ways to realize the work ideals, and select and construct the suitable action units. First, in the working concept of project Party building work, China First Metallurgical Party Committee puts forth the “four together” working principles, namely, having the research on Party building and production and operation carried out together, implementation carried out together, and inspection and assessments carried out together, so that the Party building work of overseas projects and production and operation can be integrated; second, in terms of the thought process of Party building work, establish the “internal and external differentiation Secondly, in the idea of party building work, we have established the idea of “differentiation of the internal and the external; implementation as an internal process, non-disclosure as an external process, and, together, forming an effective operation”. Party building work insists on the “five non-disclosure, five better” principle: that is, the party organization is not to be disclosed, but its status as the political core and its role of as a fortress for the fight should be better implemented; Party internal positions are not to be disclosed, but the Party building work should be better carried out; the identity of party members are not to be disclosed, but the vanguard role of Party members should be better carried out; Party activities are not to be disclosed, but the Party building activities to promote the central Party’s direction should be better carried out; Party internal documents are not to be disclosed, but the Party’s policy directions should be studied and implemented better. Third, when it comes to units implementing the Party building work, vigorously implement the “Party member pioneer project” “Party member pioneer post” “Party member responsibility area” and other activities, forming the work atmosphere of “a (Party) branch as a flag, a Party member a beam of light.”


The “five-three system” mode of work. After continuous exploration and improvement, China First Metallurgical has formed the “five-three system” operation method for overseas Party building work. This, namely, is to grasp the “five links” and highlight the “three elements.” The “five links” are the five main processes of the Party building work in China First Metallurgical’s overseas projects: theme of work, procedure of work , pattern of work, focus of work, and path of work. The “three major elements,” namely, are the main nodes or contents that constitute each work process. On the themes of work, we should underline the “three highlights,” namely, highlighting patriotism education, highlighting disciplinary education on foreign affairs, and highlighting personal safety education. On the procedures of work, we insist on the “three focuses”, namely, focusing on investigation and research, focusing on the planning of education activities from form to content, and focusing on the feedback and summary of the effect of the activities. On the patterns of work, we implement the “three unified”, i.e. unified design of activity topics, unified education management of Party members, and unified education management of staff. On the focus of work, we implement the “three close”, i.e. stay close to the actual, the practical, and psychological needs of employees. On the paths of work, we implement the “three extended” principle, that is, extending from the area of work to the area of life, extending from the workers teams to the dispatched workers teams and to the local employees, and extending from the internal within the project to the external.


The “human-culture integration” model on expanding functions. With the gradual localization of overseas project operations, the proportion of foreign employees in the project has been increasing. During the peak period of operation in China First Metallurgical’s project 866  in Kuwait, there were only 600 Chinese workers out of 3,000, while the rest were from North Korea, Egypt, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. To manage the “United Nations troops”, China First Metallurgical overseas project department adheres to the people-oriented principle, respects cultural differences, implements cultural integration, and effectively expands the reach of Party building work.


Mutual respect. During Ramadan, China First Metallurgical’s Kuwait Project Department required all non-Muslim employees on site not to eat, drink, or smoke in front of Muslims, and does not force them to work overtime; if they did need to work overtime, they were paid overtime wages according to regulations after full communications. North Korean workers have immense love and respect for their leader. When Kim Jong-il passed away, China First Metallurgical’s Project Department vacated a canteen for North Korean workers as a place to pay tribute, and the project manager also personally went to the North Korean Embassy in Kuwait to offer condolences. The North Korean workers were emotionally moved.


Infect foreign employees with details and corporate culture. The project department organized a party with foreign engineers on important festivals; the surface temperature of the site in Kuwait in summer was over 70 degrees (celsius), so the project department bought thick-soled labor shoes for foreign employees and rented transportation vehicles to take them to and from work.


Reflections and Suggestions on Party Building Work in Overseas Projects


According to the practice and experience of China First Metallurgical, the effective implementation of Party building work in overseas projects can be considered by following the “” idea of party building work in overseas projects, that is, to develop a strategy, consolidate two major fulcrums, enhance three functions, and construct four mechanisms.


Formulate a strategy, that is, to formulate a strategic plan for the development of Party building work in overseas projects, including the design of strategic macro goals of Party building work in overseas projects, the construction of institutional mechanism and operation mode, the main Party building projects, protective measures and support, etc.


Consolidate the two main fulcrums, that is, first, the ideological awareness pivot point. We should fully understand the importance of strengthening the Party building work in overseas projects. For the project Party organization, we should abandon the vague understanding that the project department is an economic organization and there is no need to carry out Party building work; for the project administrative team members, we should overcome the pure production and operation point of view, and every member of the team should take up the sacred mission of Party building work. Second, the system construction pivot. The Party branch secretary should be a full-time position. It should be clearly stipulated that the full-time secretary should enjoy at least the salary of the administrative deputy of the project, so as to fundamentally solve the problems of post-level equivalence and consistency of responsibilities and rights. The institutional mechanism should be set up as specialty. Considering the special political and cultural background of overseas projects, it is necessary to set up a “security department” under the project department to undertake the work of Party building, corporate culture, and logistic security while the Party building work should not be made public. The secretary can be a deputy of the project as a minister, which can better implement the principle of “internal and external distinction”.


Enhance three functions. 1. Core leading function: The secretary of the Party organization of overseas projects should be good at conceptualizing the Party building work of the project from the overall conditions, fully support the project manager to carry out the work, so that the political core role of the Party can be fully reflected; focus on improving the ideological and political character of the team members, and effectively grasp the creation of the “four good teams”; actively participate in the decision-making, implementation, and supervision duty. 2. Internal power gathering function: The secretary of the Party organization of the overseas project should grasp the education and management of Party members, strengthen the sense of responsibility of the Party members, and play the role of a good pioneer; grasp the education and management of the core cadres, set an example, work with integrity, go deep into the front line, and fulfill duties; grasp the ideological education and psychological guidance of the general staff members, care about the material and cultural life of the staff, stabilize their emotions, and promote work. 3. External coordination function: The secretary of the Party organization of overseas projects should actively undertake the function of external coordination, including communication and coordination with the owner, design and supervision, communications and coordinations with the local government, community and media, etc., and assist the project manager to deal with the problems of fulfilling social responsibility and dealing with emergencies.


Construct four types of mechanisms. First, construct a stable mechanism for training and appointing Party organization secretaries. The unique nature of overseas projects requires cultivating an excellent and relatively stable, professional overseas project secretary team, establishing an operation mode of early planning, early selection, and early training, and gradually realizing the rejuvenation, specialization, and professionalization of project secretaries. Especially for the reserve candidates, we should design career planning for them so that they can know their future career development prospects. Second, we should construct a system of Party building work plan books for overseas projects. From the very beginning of an overseas project, we should prepare the Party building work plan by combining the basics such as project scale, characteristics, period, personnel composition, and political and economic situation of the host country. As a following step, design the overall goal and stage tasks of party building work, analyze possible difficulties, construct support pipelines, etc. In particular, according to the division of the project implementation phase, analyze and grasp the different mentality, issues, and problems that may arise among employees, design the main structure of Party building work matching with the project nodes, carry out suitable Party building activities content, and make the Party building work into a standardized management activity; third, construct the project corporate culture implementation mechanism. Attention should be paid to the use of corporate culture to manifest the spirit of the enterprise and cultivate the corporate brand. Through corporate culture activities, especially, implement measures to deal with the project department’s international position. For example, for foreign employees and collaborative teams, we should actively implement humanistic care and advocate the concept of harmonious coexistence on the basis of strengthening contract management, so that foreign employees can improve their character throughout the process of project implementation, raise their spirits and gradually become a reliable force and an important partner in line with our project requirements; Fourth, we should construct an assessment and evaluation mechanism for Party building work. To effectively change the tendency of overly flexible or weak Party building work in overseas projects, an assessment mechanism consistent with project management assessment and evaluation should be established. The assessments are a combination of quarterly inspection and comprehensive assessment at the end of the year. Every quarter, the higher authority can design an “assessment form” on the content of the Party building work, style of work, and effect of work carried out by the project, and obtain the assessment results by email, and then score the comprehensive assessment at the end of the year. The evaluation results are tied to the year-end compensations of project managers and work committee secretaries.



[1] 网易 [netEase]. “我国共有多少家央企?2020年最新央企名单公布了.” [How many central SOEs exist in China? The 2020 newest released list of central SOEs], https://www.163.com/dy/article/G96FOG4I05491O2G.html.

[2] Lin, Li-Wen, and Curtis J. Milhaupt. “We Are the (National) Champions: Understanding the Mechanisms of State Capitalism in China.” Stanford Law Review, vol. 65, no. 4, 2013, pp. 697–759. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23530170.

[3] 共产党员网 [Chinese Communist Party Member]. “【党务】党支部换届选举,这些规定不可不知 [Party Affair: Party Branches General Election, These Are the Important Rules].” www.12371.cn, 17 Oct. 2018, https://www.12371.cn/2018/10/17/ARTI1539761013887610.shtml.

[4]共产党员网 [Chinese Communist Party Member]. “党支部如何设立?[How to Set up a Party Branch?].” Fuwu.12371.cn, 8 July 2016, https://fuwu.12371.cn/2016/07/08/ARTI1467938989274452.shtml: “企业、农村、机关、学校、科研院所、街道社区、社会组织、人民解放军连队和其他基层单位,凡是有正式党员3人以上的,都应当成立党的基层组织。” [Enterprises, rural areas, institutions, schools, scientific research institutes, street communities, social organizations, People’s Liberation Army companies and other grass-roots units, where there are more than three official party members, should set up the Party’s grass-roots organizations.]

[5] Ibid, interestingly, entities with less than three party members can still be placed under the party organization network, as the guideline expressly stated: “Entities with less than three official party members and no conditions to set up a stand-alone party branch may form a joint party branch with members of neighboring entities of similar type, or create a joint party branch across industries. The joint party branch needs to be approved by a higher level party organization, and the secretary of the party branch can be elected by the party members of this branch, or assigned by a higher level party organization.”

[6] 红旗网 [Red flag]. “加强党对对外工作的集中统一领导. [Strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in foreign affairs]” 求是网 [Qiushi], 9 July 2020, http://www.qstheory.cn/dukan/hqwg/2021-07/09/c_1127638699.htm.

[7] 中国贸促会 [China Council for the Promotion of Trade]. “贯彻落实六中全会精神 切实加强驻外机构党组织建设 [Implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session to effectively strengthen the construction of party organizations in foreign countries].” 中国共产党新闻网 [China Communist Party News], 2 Dec. 2016,


[8] Thornton, Patricia M. “The new life of the Party: Party-building and social engineering in greater Shanghai.” The China Journal 68 (2012), 58–78.; Yan, Xiaojun and Jie Huang. ‘Navigating Unknown Waters: The Chinese Communist Party’s New Presence in the Private Sector.’ The China Review 17 (2017), no. 2: 37–63.; Blanchette, Jude. “Against Atrophy: Party Organisations in Private Firms.” Made in China Journal, 18 Apr. 2019, madeinchinajournal.com/2019/04/18/against-atrophy-party-organisations-in-private-firms/.; Hu, Jieren, Peng Zeng, and Tong Wu. “How Are ‘Red Social Workers’ Trained? Party-Building Absorption of Society in China.” China Review 22, no. 3 (2022): 297–323.

[9] In as early as 2012, China has already initiated the implementation of measures enhancing Party building work. For example, in 2012, the central state published “关于加强和改进非公有制企业党的建设工作的意见(试行)” [Opinions on strengthening and improving the Party building work in non-publicly owned enterprises (for trial implementation)], a policy document on the implementation of Party building affairs in non-SOEs.

[10] 国家市场管理监督总局. “中共中央办公厅印发《关于加强和改进非公有制企业党的建设工作的意见(试行)》.” www.samr.gov.cn, 15 Feb. 2019, https://www.samr.gov.cn/djzcj/scdjgz/wjfg/201902/t20190215_281570.html.

[11]China Daily. “China’s Xi Calls for More Studies on Party Building|Government|Chinadaily.com.cn.” Usa.chinadaily.com.cn, 24 Mar. 2016, https://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china//2016-03/24/content_24057865.htm. Cao Desheng. “CPC Fortifies Party Building as “Great Project” – Chinadaily.com.cn.” Epaper.chinadaily.com.cn, 8 Nov. 2021,


[12] 旗帜网 [Flagship network]. “中央国家机关工委关于印发《落实两个全覆盖要求  加强社会组织党的建设专项工作实施方案》的通知 [“Notice of the Central State Organs Work Committee on the Issuance of “the Implementation Plan for the Special Work of Strengthening the Party Building of the Socialist Organization by Implementing the Requirements of Two Full Coverage”].” 旗帜网 [Flagship network], 15 Dec. 2017

 http://www.qizhiwang.org.cn/n1/2019/0429/c424985-31057651.html: Specifically, Xi seems to have stressed the “full coverage” of Party building activities centering the centralized (Party) leadership.

[13] Xinhua News Network. “中共中央、国务院关于深化国有企业改革的指导意见 [Guidance of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the state-owned enterprises reform].” www.gov.cn, 24 Aug. 2015. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2015-09/13/content_2930440.htm. Lin, Lauren Yu-Hsin, and Curtis J. Milhaupt. “Party Building or Noisy Signaling? The Contours of Political Conformity in Chinese Corporate Governance.” Journal of Legal Studies, 50(1): 187-217.


[14] Lin, Lauren Yu-Hsin, and Curtis J. Milhaupt. “Party Building or Noisy Signaling? The Contours of Political Conformity in Chinese Corporate Governance.” Journal of Legal Studies, 50(1): 187-217. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3510342#:~:text=We%20examine%20responses%20by%20Chinese%20firms%20to%20a,role%20of%20the%20CCP%20in%20their%20corporate%20governance.


[15] 共产党员网 [Communist Party member network]. “共产党员网_中共中央组织部.”

https://www.12371.cn/. ; Radio Free China. “195万中共党员名单外泄 渗透台达电、台塑等台企 A List of 1.95 Million Chinese Communist Party Members Leaked: Infiltrating DELTA Power Solutions, Formosa Plastics and Other Taiwanese Companies].” Radio Free Asia, 16 Dec. 2020,


[16] See the Chinese government’s SOE management guideline, article 9: Central Government of the People’s Republic of China. “关于印发《国有企业公司章程制定管理办法》的通知 [Notice on the Issuance of the “Management Measures of the Formulation of State Owned Enterprises’ Organizational Documents”].” www.gov.cn, 31 Dec. 2020,


[17] 职工文化网 [Workers’ culture network]. “中共中央组织部 国务院国资委党委关于扎实推动国有企业党建工作要求写入公司章程的通知 [Notice of the Party Committee of the State Council of the Communist Party of China, Chinese Communist Party Organizational Bureau on Solidly Promoting the Requirements of Writing Party Building into Organizational Documents for State-Owned Enterprises].” Www.zgzgwh.com, 24 Feb. 2021, http://www.zgzgwh.com/article/2632.html.

[18] People’s Daily. “央企承建“一带一路”项目3116个 [Central State-Owned Enterprises Carrying out 3,116 “Belt and Road” Projects].” China Central Government, 31 Oct. 2018,


[19] Central state-owned enterprises are state-owned enterprises that are funded, managed, and monitored directly by Chinese central (i.e., not local) government entities such as the State Council, the Ministry of Finance, and other management committees under the Chinese State Council, and are often considered a part of the Chinese central government bureaucracy. There are only 98 of such enterprises in China, with notable examples such as China Rare Earth Group, China Resources Holdings Company, see “央企名录.” [Central State Owned Enterprise list] 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会 [The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)], 31 Dec. 2022,  http://wap.sasac.gov.cn/n4422011/n14158800/n14158998/c14159097/content.html.

[20] “央企名录.” [Central State Owned Enterprise list] 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会 [The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)], 31 Dec. 2022,  http://wap.sasac.gov.cn/n4422011/n14158800/n14158998/c14159097/content.html.

[21] See guidelines such as:  国家发展和改革委员会 [National Development and Reform Commissions]. “【中央和国家机关党小组工作规则(试行)】-国家发展和改革委员会.” 中央人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 [Central People’s Republic National Development and Reform Commissions], 21 Apr. 2020,

https://www.ndrc.gov.cn/fggz/fgdj/zydj/202004/t20200421_1226233.html?code=&state=123.; 国家市场监督管理总局 [State Administration for Market Regulation]. “中共中央办公厅印发《关于加强和改进非公有制企业党的建设工作的意见(试行)》[The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued “the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Party Construction Work of Non-public Enterprises (for Trial Implementation)”].” 国家市场监督管理总局 [State Administration for Market Regulation], 15 Feb. 2019,

https://www.samr.gov.cn/djzcj/scdjgz/wjfg/201902/t20190215_281570.html.; Qiushi. “国资委:国企重大决策须由党委讨论后董事会决定 [State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: Major Decisions of State-Owned Enterprises Must Be Discussed by the Party Committee after the Board of Directors Decision].” Sina, 7 June 2016,


[22] See, for example, 先锋党建 [pioneer Party building]. “客户案例-先锋智慧党建 [Client cases – Pioneer smart Party building.” 先锋党建 [Pioneer Party Building],


[23]中国山东国际经济技术合作有限公司 [China Shandong International Economic & Technical Cooperation Corp.] “青山一道同云雨,明月何曾是两乡 公司携手中建八局一公司为塞尔维亚捐赠防疫物资 [The mountains are together with the clouds and rain, and the moon is once two hometowns. The company donates epidemic prevention materials to Serbia in collaboration with CCBA].” 中国山东国际经济技术合作有限公司 [China Shandong International Economic & Technical Cooperation Corp.], 27 Mar. 2020,


[24] 中建六局 [China Construction Sixth Engineering Bureau]. “【党建故事】斯里兰卡的中国“红.” [Party-building story: China “red” in Sri Lanka.” 中国建筑 [China Construction], 12 Oct. 2018, https://www.cscec.com/ztzl_new/mhsjd81_new/djjy/201812/2898366.html.
