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China Labor Watch

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In the Media

Chinese-run Indonesia Nickel Smelter Employs Chinese Workers to Break Strike

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Labor News

PRESS RELEASE: Seven Xinjiang project workers killed under severe weather conditions

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In the Media

Trapped: the Belt and Road Initiative and its Chinese Workers

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In the Media

Zhengzhou Foxconn Coerces Employees To Work On iPhone 14 Production Amid Covid-19 Outbreak, While Hiding The Number Of Sick Workers

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In the Media

The Aftermath of The Belt and Road Initiative: Human Trafficking in Cambodia

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Press Releases

China Labor Watch Urges Amazon to Address Whistleblower’s Demands

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Press Releases

Five Chinese Workers Employed in Indonesia are Detained by Malaysia’s Immigration Department 五名在印尼工作的中国工人被马来西亚移民局关押

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Labor News

17 Years Old Intern Fell to His Death

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Labor News

Forced Labor Whistleblower Was Sent To Prison By Amazon Supply Chain Foxconn

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Press Releases

China Labor Watch Releases Report on Chinese Workers Stranded Overseas amid Covid-19 Pandemic

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Labor News

Severe Labor Abuses in the Cookware Industry

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Press Releases

Apple Supplier Pegatron Workers in Kunshan Stage Protest Over Owed Wages

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Press Releases

Pegatron Dispatch Workers in Shanghai and Kunshan Protest Over Owed Bonuses and Wages

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Press Releases

Workers in Misery: An Investigation into Two Toy Factories

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(Dispatch workers protest outside Foxconn)
Labor News

Foxconn Dispatch Workers Stage Protest Over Owed Wages and Rewards by Dispatch Companies

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Press Releases

Improvement or just Public Relations? China Labor Watch challenges Apple’s statement on Pegatron

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Press Releases

Videos Prove the Failure of Apple’s Audit

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Private-owned companies like Lotus in China have been hit by the global pandemic. Photo: BBC
Labor News

CLW Labor News Brief for July 2020

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