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Labor News

Weekly News Brief (Sep 17, 2012)

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Labor News

1,000 strike at Apple supplier in China: rights group – AFP

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Letter calls Gucci stores ’sweatshops’

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Labor News

Last Train Home

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Labor News

August News Brief

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Labor News

Global Activities and Conference on Labor Rights in Late 2011

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Labor News

Foxconn to Replace Workers with Robots

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Labor News

Employee from Xixing Electronics Co. suddenly died in sleep because of overtime working

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Labor News

Laid-off workers clash with police in Nanjing

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Labor News

In China, Factory Workers Allege Poisoning From iPhone Production

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Labor News

Minimum wage goes up highest in east China’s Zhejiang

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Labor News

Not cheap or cheerful: south China’s new paradigm

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Labor News

Liberate China’s Workers

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Labor News

As inland China grows, competition intensifies for labor

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Labor News

Labor crunch ’structural problem’

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Labor News

Rising labor costs good for China’s economic restructuring

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Labor News

Chinese workers seek more in Apple supplier’s plant poison case

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Labor News

Willful Ignorance: How Apple And Other Electronics Giants Gain the Benefits of Chinese Labor

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